EasyPill Range
Cat putty

EasyPill Cat Putty provides a highly palatable pliable divisible treat in providing easy administration of medication for cat owners. Hidden within the treat the tablet attaches itself to the putty and provides a useful aid in administration thereby increasing treatment resolution. The acceptability of EasyPill Cat Putty is extremely high with levels reaching higher than 80%. Test performed by Pannelis (European Research Centre) over a qualified panel of 36 cats.
INGREDIENTS: Micronized chicken meal, glycerine, monopropylene glycol, glucose syrup, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, duck fat, sodium chloride.
ADMINSTRATION: Tear small pieces to wrap around a tablet
PACK SIZE: Bag of 4 x 10g bars Tub of 30 x 10g bars
resolvin flex
EasyPill Resolvin Flex utilizes the pro-resolving effect to support joint function through active termination of the inflammatory process plus through the use of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Vitamin E protects the joints. The combination of support and protection plays an important dual role in maintaining optimal joint function for the pet. Furthermore the added advantage of the pro-resolving effect provides support in an effect similar to pain relief and thereby offering additional advantages.

INGREDIENTS: Micronized chicken meal, glycerine, sorbitol, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, duck fat, D-Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate, fish oil (Omega 3: DHA) Meadowsweet flowering top, Vitamin E, sodium chloride.
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PELLET: (Cat) Glucosamine 75mg Chondroitin 40mg Meadowsweet 40mg Omega 3 32mg
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PORTION: (Dog) Glucosamine 250mg Chondroitin 200mg Meadowsweet 480 mg, Omega 3 118mg
ADMINSTRATION: DOG 0.5 portion per day per 10kg CAT 1 pellet per day for 40 days
PACK SIZE: DOG Box containing 6 divisible bars of 28g CAT 30 x 2g Pellets
EasyPill Smectite supports the reduction of acute intestinal disorders through the use of Smectite Green Bentonite Clay. Highly absorbent (800m2/g) Smectite also contains high quality proteins, highly digestible fibers and electrolytes.

INGREDIENTS: Bentonite (285 000mg/kg) , Micronized chicken meal, monopropylene glycol, glycerine, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, duck fat, potassium chloride (2%), sodium chloride (1.5%).
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PELLET: (Cat) Bentonite 570mg Antioxidants 26mg
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PORTION: (Dog) Bentonite 1140mg Antioxidants 53mg
ADMINSTRATION: DOG 1 portion twice per day per 12 kg CAT 2 pellets per day for 5 days
PACK SIZE: DOG Box containing 6 divisible bars of 28g CAT 20 x 2g Pellets
Liver Support
Supporting the liver’s function in cases of chronic liver insufficiency and where the liver has been compromised. EasyPill Liver contains high levels of Silymarin and Omega 3 shown to have beneficial effects in the aid to liver recovery.

INGREDIENTS: Silibum marianum – 25000mg /kg,, Micronized chicken meal, sorbitol, glycerine, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, fish oil (Omega 3: 26600mg/kg incl DHA: 8200mg/kg and EPA: 12400mg/kg), sodium chloride.
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PELLET: (Cat) Silymarin 50mg Omega 3 53mg DHA 16mg EPA 24mg
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PORTION: (Dog) Silymarin 100mg Omega 3 106mg DHA 32mg EPA 49mg
ADMINSTRATION: Dog 0.5 portion per 10kg per day Cat 1 pellet per day for 3 months
PACK SIZE : DOG Box containing 6 divisible bars of 28g CAT 30 x 2g Pellets
resolvin convalescence cat

The formulation of Resolvin Convalescence combines Omega 3 (DHA) and Meadowsweet in order to activate the pathway of biosynthesis of the pro-resolving mediators. It has been shown that the synthesis of pro-resolving mediators assimilates an effect similar to pain relief. This product can be used in any situation where inflammation can occur and is often considered in support of conditions such as Gingivitis etc.
INGREDIENTS: Micronized chicken meal, glycerine, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, fish oil (Omega DHA) Meadowsweet flowering top, glucose syrup (Dog), sodium chloride.
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PELLET: (Cat) Meadowsweet 40mg Omega 3 32mg DHA 25MG Vitamin E 0.6 mg
ADMINSTRATION: CAT 1 pellet per day for 40 days
PACK SIZE: 30 x 2g Pellets
kidney support
Supporting the renal function in cases of chronic renal deficiency through the use of microencapsulated calcium carbonate, Yucca binding nitrogen and Omega 3 which
supports the renal function preventing a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate.

INGREDIENTS: Chicken hydrolysate, microencapsulated calcium carbonate (30%), Yucca Mojave (2000mg), sorbitol, glycerine, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, fish oil (Omega 3 DHA and EPA) sodium chloride
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PELLET: (Cat) Microencapsulated Calcium Carbonate 600mg Omega 3 12mg Yucca 4mg
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PORTION: (Dog): Microencapsulated Calcium Carbonate 1200mg Omega 3 20mg Yucca 8mg
ADMINSTRATION: DOG 0.5 portion twice per day per 10kg CAT 1 pellet per day for 3 months
PACK SIZE: DOG Box containing 6 divisible bars of 28g (7 portions per bar) CAT 30 x 2g Pellets

The formulation of Resolvin Convalescence combines Omega 3 (DHA) and Meadowsweet in order to activate the pathway of biosynthesis of the pro-resolving mediators. It has been shown that the synthesis of pro-resolving mediators assimilates an effect similar to pain relief. This product can be used in any situation where inflammation can occur and is often considered in times where trauma , in the form of scarring, is likely to occur.
INGREDIENTS: Micronized chicken meal, glycerine, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, fish oil (Omega DHA) Meadowsweet flowering top, glucose syrup (Dog), sodium chloride.
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PELLET: (Cat) Meadowsweet 40mg Omega 3 32mg DHA 25MG Vitamin E 0.6 mg
INGREDIENT VALUES PER PORTION: (Dog) Meadowsweet 480mg Omega 3 112mg DHA 92MG Vitamin E 1.2mg
ADMINSTRATION: DOG 0.5 portion per day per 10kg CAT 1 pellet per day for 40 days
PACK SIZE: DOG Box containing 6 divisible bars of 28g CAT 30 x 2g Pellets

Containing Paraffin oil which lubricates the intestinal mucosa and softens the stools. EasyPill Hairball Cat is adapted to the elimination of trichobezoars in cats, is non greasy and doesn’t contain paraben.
INGREDIENTS: Micronized chicken meal, sorbitol, glycerine, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, paraffin oil (2.3%) duck fat, sodium chloride.
INGREDIENT VALUES: Paraffin 0.05mg/kg per pellet
ADMINSTRATION: 2 pellets twice daily for 5 days
PACK SIZE: 20 x 2g pellets
Cat L-Lysine

In support for cats suffering from the symptoms of Feline Herpes Virus the EasyPill L-Lysine provides a high level of L-Lysine (500mg/pellet) which is a competitive inhibitor of L-Arginine. L-Lysine supplementation does not modify arginine seric concentration.
INGREDIENTS: L-Lysine 500mg, Amino Acids, Micronized chicken meal, sorbitol, glycerine, glucose syrup, pregelatinized rice starch, pork-by product, sodium chloride.
ADMINSTRATION: 0.5 kitten 1-2 adult per day
PACK SIZE: 30 x 2g pellets